Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

TantraMR user guide

Using TantraMR requirement one registered account in Tantra PH or tantra global to use this program: .Net framework 2.0 above.

1. When you receive the program, unzip it. Run tantra MR
2. Enter your username, then click validate . ( it will appear a window tell you when your account will be expired)

3. Click browse to set the game path
4. Click start game to enter the game.
5. once the game fully loaded, TantraMR window will appear

6. General Tab

a. Run speed. Select your desired running speed. Tips: dont choose max if you are not deva/garuda, or you will dc
b. Zoom . Select your desired zoom option.
c. Access storage . Buy 1 jewel of life, talk with any npc, dont close the chat window, the right click JOLs. warehouse will open. you can deposite or withdraw item and Rupia. If you want get rupias only, you can click JOLs any time you wish without talking with NPC
d. Instant portal. I think this one no need explain. except in tantra PH, dont access mudha dungeon and FOrge thru this portal
e. Map cor teleport. Enter any map cor. then click teleport, you will be transferfed like GM dose
f. Jump . this is cool function of TantraMR only, maximum steps are 20

7. Skills Tab
Everything unders skill tabs are used in manual attack. Please wait 10mins when you wrap to a new map first before check the options. Or you will dc and all the options you can test it yourself to know the function.

8. Surveillance Tab
This is one of the coolest function specially from tantraMR. in order to minimize the "trouble", please activate your surveillance function while you use this tool

If you want detect GM only, Check Players function, if you want detect every one, Choose all. Add your party mate or any one you dont want to be detected in ingore name list.

once they were detected, you can choose stop hack, teleport away, pop up reminder, or off game and teleport away, depends on the portal you select Under General Tab

9. Bot
Bot function is also the coolest tools from TantraMR. when you enable this, monster will be killed even without your action.

so, you can walk, talk, run or even just stand there, the monster will be killed one by one. Plus, not only multi hit attack, also have ordinary attack.

a. Range. in what range you will kill the monster
b. Skill speeds. how fast you cast the skills
c. Monsters. How many monster you are going to kill each attack ( maximum 16 but base on your skill, if monster is too tough, you might only can kill 1 or 2. so each monster you have to test to set the right number. or else set as 1)

d. Navigation mode
Navigation can be done by certain script. you can use script editor to do you own script.

move to a certain place then click Jump.

then move to another location click jump ( maximum distance between 2 location is 20 steps), repeat the steps
Click start, your bot will start working with navigation

e. True attack mode
Click this if you want to kill monster by using non multi hit skills before start the bot function, please check your clan and skill first.

this version enable ordinary attack too. so it means even without multihit , you still can use other skills

Click skill, then another window appear
check the skills you want to use.

Remember. Each clan only area skills are Multihit skill, so it dose not mean all skills in the tools can be used as multihit. if you dont know what skill are multihit. you can inquire first

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