Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Yum on the Linux Command

Yum or Yellowdog Updater Modified is an open-source command-line package-management utility for RPM-compatible Linux operating systems and has been released under the GNU General Public License

yum update = to update yum version
rpm -qa = see the list are installed on linux / vps
yum list installed =see the list are installed on linux / vps
rpm -qa | grep httpd* = to see the specific package installed and contain the word httpd, for example, give the command

yum list installed httpd = to see the specific package installed and contain the word httpd, for example, give the related command
yum update httpd = to update the package / program already installed, the update command for package httpd
yum list perl* = to see the list of package perl
yum install httpd = to install httpd
yum remove httpd = to delete / remove httpd
yum list all = to see all the installed package list
yum grouplist = to view based on group
yum groupinstall “Development Tools” = for example if we want to install the package group, so that within the group will be installed all development tools
yum groupupdate “Development Tools” = to update the package on the basis of any group
yum groupremove “Development Tools” = to remove all that was in the group
yum install mysql.i386 = to install mysql based OS that we use, eg 32 bit CentOS
yum list extras = to install mysql based OS that we use, eg 32 bit CentOS
yum whatprovides /etc/passwd = find out what provides the /etc/passwd file

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