In the Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Boss Rush speed run, done on July 17 2005. Available in normal, high and low quality.
Castlevania Aria of Sorrow is a run of aria of sorrow's boss rush mode as soma "it expired three years ago" cruz, timing in at 1:21:38. in the course of making this run, i found out several interesting things about how the game works. in short, you can kill balore so quickly that he won't die (think about that for a second). in other words, to kill a boss, you must A) do enough damage and 2) let enough time pass.
note that this doesn't apply to every boss and that this feature is evident in a few of harmony of dissonance's bosses. also, graham is so random that he can affect your time by a whole second - even if you do everything *exactly* right. rather frustrating, to say the least. feel free to email me for a more detailed description of these two oddities (see contact section at the end).
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow run over dragondarch's impressive 1:26:71 run are the dreaded blocking mail strategy on great armor is the biggest improvements, a new balore strategy of my own, and a toned-down, easier/possible version of a graham fight i saw in a time attack. (yes, one does exist. no, i will not send it to you.)
Value on 1:20:xx possible? yes. likely? maybe. as stated, the randomness of this run makes it difficult to find motivation to try to shave off 39 hundredths of a second, but i may try some day. using savestates and slowdown, i reached a time of 1:20:63. however, with these current strategies, i find 1:19:xx impossible; this elusive time will only be obtained with newer, better strategies.
creaking skull - admit it, you didn't see that coming.
The great armor - the blocking mail, which blocks attacks about every 1 in 10 tries, makes this fight minutely faster. note the "1 in 10 tries" part.
Death - mr death "killed" several of my runs; occasionally, the axe will only hit him once. i have never discovered why.
balore - in my opinion, the best part of the run. the strategy i employ in this video is a whole second faster than a previous strategy i developed which i thought was optimal (or as optimal as possible in this kind of a run). four things can go wrong here:
1) the first execution of the red minotaur soul connects only once.
2) you move too far to the right and the second execution of the red minotaur misses the second time.
3) balore moves his fists the wrong way, you panic, and you die. note that not panicking still results in death.
4) balore is so powerful that he can, in fact, kill you from beyond the grave. he shares this ability with death and legion. as balore is dying, his fists begin to disappear, but if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, he can still kill you.
the key behind this strategy is the use of the ascalon, which raises soma's strength - a figure used to determine the damage dealt by a soul like red minotaur.
graham - interesting strategy right here. it didn't quite work as planned...the idea was to use lightning doll and then follow it up with a red minotaur that would connect instantly and finish grahamy off. however, the axe didn't hit as soon as i wanted it to, but i do believe this fight was faster than the one in dragondarch's video.
i'd like to thank iceaga and james gray for allowing me to vent my frustrations while working on this run. they also made comments on different boss rush videos i sent them. thanks go to zanapher for his boss rush strategies that formed the basis for this run, and i'd like to thank dragondarch for his impressive 1:26:71 submission which i "researched" in making this run. also, if you, dear reader, actually read all of these comments, you deserve a cookie.
if you want to discuss this run or anything else - especially anything relating to castlevania - you can (rarely) find me on AIM with the screenname dingusSJr, or you can always email me at dingussjr ÀÒ feel free to submit any criticism or suggestions for this run.
This movie is part of the collection: Speed Runs
Producer: Jason 'dingusSJr' Hochreiter
Audio/Visual: sound, color
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