Senin, 05 Mei 2008

Friendster Make CSS File Basic Method

1) Open a new Text Document by pressing right click on
Desktop then select New the choose "Text Document".

2) After opening the
notepad, Put or paste the your C.S.S .extension code.
Paste the code below in the Notepad ( The C.S.S. below will hide Google Ads.)

#googleAdPlacement { display:none!important; }

3) After placing the code in
Notepad go to File and Save As.

4) After clicking
"Save As" type your file name add a .css on it.

5) Save your file.

How To Host:
1) Go to a File Host Site of your choice! Just open your web browser and go to Google and type on the search bar
Just Register and Login.

2) After registering go to "My Files" and select "Upload files"

3) After selecting "Upload files" you will see a "Browse..." button. Click "Browse..." and select the .css file you saved, The click "Open" Button, Then click "Upload" Button.

After the load has finished press Click here to continue!
4) After pressing Click here to continue! check your file then get the

Direct Link URL

The Direct Link:

Where to apply the Direct Link?
Proceed to Underground Section and find the topic regarding the linker. Please do not be lazy in searching.

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